01-10-2007 04:30 PM
01-11-2007 10:58 AM
01-18-2007 08:50 AM
The Alfresco SDK download contains the build.xml used to build both the JBoss+Portal and TomCat WAR files.
There are only a few small differences to the WARs, so to deploy to a plain JBossAS installation you would probably be best starting with the generic WAR file download from sourceforge and then correcting the JAR files in the lib directory to be compatible with JBoss. I think the only change required is to remove the log4j.jar from the WAR file - that may not even be required with the latest version of JBoss. Please let us know how you get on!
01-18-2007 10:58 AM
01-24-2007 12:43 PM
01-25-2007 05:19 AM
01-25-2007 06:05 AM
<!– ======================= –>
<!– Setup the Root category –>
<!– ======================= –>
<priority value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
<appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
7. Executed run.bat from \jboss-4.0.5.GA\bin01-25-2007 06:28 AM
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