04-25-2014 09:48 AM
04-28-2014 03:04 AM
TaskQuery query = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateOrAssigned("kermit");
List<String> groups = Arrays.asList("management", "accountancy");
TaskQuery query = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateGroupIn(groups);
04-28-2014 03:15 AM
04-28-2014 03:36 AM
04-29-2014 03:12 AM
<when test="bothCandidateAndAssigned">
<if test="userIdForCandidateAndAssignee != null">
and (RES.ASSIGNEE_ = #{userIdForCandidateAndAssignee} or (RES.ASSIGNEE_ is null and I.USER_ID_ = #{userIdForCandidateAndAssignee} or I.GROUP_ID_ IN (select g.GROUP_ID_ from ACT_ID_MEMBERSHIP g where g.USER_ID_ = #{userIdForCandidateAndAssignee} ) ) )
04-29-2014 08:31 AM
04-30-2014 02:16 AM
RES.ASSIGNEE_ is null …..
08-17-2015 04:38 AM
02-04-2016 11:07 AM
02-04-2016 12:53 PM
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