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Automated Workflow Tasks

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We have implemented a new workflow with multiple tasks.  We have tons of pre-existing documents that need to be moved through the workflow programmatically.  It will take a lot of time if an individual user has to do it manually.

Is there a way where we can choose a folder and send the documents in that folder (individually) to a particular workflow and go through all the tasks programmatically?

Any help is appreciated. 

p.s.  I am a newbie to Alfresco Smiley Happy


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Yes, You can do it. One way is create a js to start particular WF and execute this script as a rule on particualr folder. So WF will be triggered when document is added but rest of WF stages user has to complete it manually.
Please check this for js code snippet -

Another you can do this by developing custom action which triggers WF as well completes all tasks of WF and exacute this custom action as a folder rule for that you need to know Alfresco API and this requires developemnt and customization.
Please check for custom action - and also check WorkflowService API.

Thanks, Niketa