Hi, Can any one please provide me simple example on activiti with rest api… I am very new in activiti. I searched on net but I could not able to find simple example… please help me Thank You
Hi, I just want to deploy process and call task from rest. I go through activiti user guide but not able to understood. If u have any example or link please provide me Thank You
hi krishan.deo you can check Activiti user guide chapter 15 here give the all rest api . if you want start a process then..
curl -u userid:userpassword -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"processDefinitionKey":"key of your bpmn process", "variables":[ {"name":"id of your varialable in yor form", "value":"value of given variable"} ]}' http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/runtime/process-instances