Hello all. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
I set up the alfresco-community 4.0 on Linux server(CentOS 5.4).
(server is a remote server, SSH connecting)
I am trying to custom alfresco(SDK Custom Login sample) on my Local PC,
I have downloaded the alfresco-community-sdk-4.0.b.zip
I have imported the projects using File|Import|Existing Projects into Workspace in Eclipse.
expand SDK Custom Login package and right click 'build.xml' and Run As > Ant build.
so I have 2 result file, custom-login.jar and custom-login.zip.
Now, what shoud I do next step?
just send 2 file to WEB-INF/lib folder on remote server?
I am obviously a newbie, I don't understand alfresco developer guide or wiki(that's very rough info…)
please let me know very very specific step on remote server or local pc…T.T
Thank you,