11-25-2008 09:16 PM
* Unable to delete File due to system error: Found 1 integrity violations: Invalid property value: Node: archive://SpacesStore/870b7ffc-d3f2-4fe1-a1bf-71e4117bc6ed Type: {http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}content Property: {http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0}name Constraint: Value 'Hoja de gastos - Gesti?n Econ?mica de XaTcobeo.ods' matches regular expression: (.*[\"\*\\\>\<\?\/\:\|]+.*)|(.*[\.]?.*[\.]+$)|(.*[ ]+$)
12-09-2008 03:28 AM
06-24-2009 07:27 AM
<constraint name="cm:filename" type="REGEX">
<parameter name="expression"><value><![CDATA[(.*[\"\*\\\>\<\?\/\:\|]+.*)|(.*[\.]?.*[\.]+$)|(.*[ ]+$)]]></value></parameter>
<parameter name="requiresMatch"><value>false</value></parameter>
<constraint name="cm:userNameConstraint" type="org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.constraint.UserNameConstraint" />
09-05-2009 03:44 AM
09-28-2009 11:34 AM
04-07-2010 12:07 AM
As a workaround, try disabling the integrity checking by adding this to your custom-repository-context.xml:
<bean id="integrityChecker" class="java.util.ArrayList" />
Or else copy the original bean and just change the "enabled" attribute.
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