Hi.. I am new to alfresco.. I am using alfresco community edition 3.3g. I used alfresco share to develop an intranet site…. In this, I need an option like, whenever I am adding or updating a post in discussion forum, an email must be sent to all users of that site. How can I do that??? Kindly reply…. Thanks in advance…..
Hi… Thanks for your quick reply… I am new to it…can you kindly brief this…
In alfresco-global.properties, I had done the following Outbound Email Configurations: mail.host= xxx mail.port=25 mail.encoding=UTF-8 mail.from.default= xxx mail.username= xxx mail.password=xxx mail.smtp.auth=true
Hi… At last I found solution for the above problem. Thanks to the forum members.. Using explore I had created a group manually and added all the users under it. Setted the group as the mail recipient. Now I can able to have email notification for each updates..
But not possible when setting user as the recipient.