If i select 'Start Advanced Workflow' for a doc and then select 'Review and Approve', why doesnt the reviewer get an email notification for them to review a document + no emails are sent on approval/rejection.
The reviewer at the moment would have to login to see that they have a review task to complete….
Task assignment Email notification is not supported out of the box.
You would have to use the Mail action, for example :
<event type="node-enter"> <!– If in sub-process then it is important that the companyhome process variable is passed into the subprocess from the parent job process, otherwise you get companyhome is undefined script error –> <action class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.jbpm.AlfrescoJavaScript"> <script> var template = companyhome.childByNamePath("Data Dictionary/Email Templates/task-assigned-email.ftl"); var args = []; args["someArg"] = mymodel_arg1; args["someOtherArg"] = mymodel_arg2;
var txtMail = bpm_package.children[0].processTemplate(template, args);
var mail = actions.create("mail"); mail.parameters.to = reveiwer.properties.email; mail.parameters.from = "alfresco@somecompany.com"; mail.parameters.subject = "A task has been assigned to you"; mail.parameters.text = txtMail; mail.execute(bpm_package); </script> </action>
Do not forget to configure SMTP server. Also I do not think you can use the JBPM email syntax such as <task … notify="yes" as it uses different identity model than Alfresco.