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Custom view for Share document library

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

We would like to create a custom view for the Share document library similar to "Simple" and "Detailed" view. The requirement is to create a grid like layout.

Any inputs/ideas on the files to be modified are appreciated.

Thank You!

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
First you need to be aware of the share architecture.
It is based on the surf.
Then you need to learn how to create custom forms in the Alfresco share.
At last you can replace the existing form with your custom forms to customize those views.
Easy said not done  Smiley Very Happy

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
you won't need/use/customize Alfresco Forms here. But nevertheless it's going to be a hard task because you'll have to rewrite/overwrite Alfresco's YUI Component Alfresco.DocumentList in documentlist.js

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
We're adding the ability to extend the Document Library with different layout renderers in HEAD right now. Take a look at r35186 for the first part of this work.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Thank you all for the quick response.

Mike - Do you know when this feature will be released for GA?


Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Mike - Do you know when this feature will be released for GA?
No, sorry - I don't have a date for the next Community release.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

We would like to create a custom view for the Share document library similar to "Simple" and "Detailed" view. The requirement is to create a grid like layout.

Any inputs/ideas on the files to be modified are appreciated.

Thank You!

Do this as a Proof of Concept
in WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-data

pages folder create a page object (xml file), point it to a template instance
template-instance folder: create object (xml file), point it to existing or new template (ftl) file
Now in the template you will have regions.  The regions point to components.  Components can be defined in the page object or more often are individual files (xml files) stored in the components folder.  name of each file contains the region and scope information.

Once you like what you have you can package these changes as an AMP.  This will allow you to deploy your changes in to a clean copy of Share.

As Mike H. has pointed out, Share's ability to override regions and extend the platform is improving.  The idea here is to try and avoid overwriting files that ship with Share which negatively impacts upgrades.