02-22-2012 08:33 AM
02-22-2012 09:57 AM
02-24-2012 12:53 AM
Doesn't it say which is the unknown property?Nope, unfortunately. I'm pretty sure its the mywf_assignee2, since replacing it with bpm_assignee removes the error; it isnt really a solution though. The error message I provided is the entirety of what I'm seeing.
02-24-2012 04:44 AM
02-24-2012 07:30 AM
02-24-2012 11:49 AM
02-25-2012 07:46 AM
<activiti:taskListener event="complete" class="org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.tasklistener.ScriptTaskListener">
<activiti:field name="script">
execution.setVariable('mywf_assignee2', task.getVariableLocal ('mywf_assignee2'));
to the node that assigned the assignee2.Tags
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