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Custom form for workflow

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am sorry to come back on this subject again but I'm completely stuck. I need to add a specific select list in my custom form for my custom workflow.

1st question :

Do I have to configure the form in :
- /Applications/alfresco-4.2.e/tomcat/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/share-workflow-form-config.xml
or in :
- /Applications/alfresco-4.2.e/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/share-config-custom.xml
So far I have managed to modify a form in the first one and I'm wondering if it's good to do it in this file.

2nd question :

How can I create a select list that populates the different alfresco sites ?

3rd question :

In my custom workflow, how can I attribute the task to only a certain group of users that belong to the site that the workflow initiator has previously selected ?

I would be extremely grateful to receive any help.


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Answer 1: Best practice is to use share-config-custom.xml file to place your custom configurations.
Answer 2: you can custom property which has defined custom constrain. In that custom constrain controller you can put a logic to fetch all site names.
Answer 3: For that you can define one swimlane in process definition file which will hold values selected by intiator which you can use on later stages.


I can only modify my forms in :


I don't know why but if it's working it's ok for me. Is there a way to reload this file without restarting tomcat ?


Could you give me more information about the #2 and the #3 please ? What are custom property / custom contraint / custom contraint controller ?
The process definition file is the bpnm20.xml file right?

Thank you very much,


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

      <namespace uri="" prefix="demowf"/>
        <type name="demowf:approveTask">
            <property name="demowf:requiredApproval">
                    <constraint type="LIST">
                        <parameter name="allowedValues">

Custom constrains

Yes bpnm20.xml is process definition file.