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Custom changes don't take effect !!

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Dear friends,
i have spent more than half a day trying to customize the list of languages in the login page of Alfresco Explorer, i will go mad, because i have followed the url: , step by step, and after restarting alfresco, and changing the Web browser (to avoid caching), nothing changed!!!

I have created the custom file called :web-client-config-custom.xml under the path:  alfresco-3.4.d/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension

with the following content:

        <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Languages" replace="true">                <languages>
                        <language locale="fr_FR">French</language>
                        <language locale="de_DE">German</language>

These changes do nothing for my installation, just as i am modifying another copy, i appreciate your help.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, I have fixed this, and it was really a silly issue, but i am putting here the tip to save others time!

I have executed on Linux the command: "ps -ef | grep tomcat" and discovered that other process of Tomcat were still a live and "./ stop" doesn't stop them, that's why my server restart wasn't changing anything, i have ended all the tomcat processes, and restarted tomcat, like this my changes on the custom file have been taken in account.

I think that it's a bug in the file, that it doesn't ensure finishing all the tomcat processes.