02-21-2011 02:46 AM
var version=doc.getVersion(args.version);
var id = version.node.id;
var requestedVersion = search.findNode("workspace://version2Store/"+id);
02-21-2011 10:28 AM
String versionLabel = "1.0";
//replace the above line with the version u want
String nodeRef="workspace://SpacesStore/83196957-6bdb-4caa-87ff-d08f773cda4a"
//replace the above line with the noderef u want
VersionHistory versionHistory = serviceRegistry.getVersionService().getVersionHistory(new NodeRef(nodeRef));
String fileName = (String)this.serviceRegistry.getNodeService().getProperty(new NodeRef(nodeRef), ContentModel.PROP_NAME);
if(null!= versionHistory){
Iterator<Version> versionIterator = versionHistory.getAllVersions().iterator();
Version version;
* Frame the below url to get the contet of specific version
* http://localhost:8080/alfresco/d/d/versionStore/version2Store/551de18e-e94a-4ad1-a867-898d1adb0e22/W...
* the frozenNoderef to be used for the same to get the content of different version
version = versionIterator.next();
versionURL = DownloadContentServlet.generateBrowserURL(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(),fileName);
//LOGGER.debug("Frozen nodeRef:::"+version.getFrozenStateNodeRef());
LOGGER.debug("The version URL of the contetn is:::"+versionURL);
model.put(SutherlandBlmConstants.XMLRESPONSE, GetContentByVersionXML.getContentByVersion(versionURL, versionLabel , contextPath));
02-22-2011 04:50 PM
model.doc = doc;
and make my ftl template the same for every document requested, either original or some old version.
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