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Alfresco 4.x: CIFS Nutzung auf Windows 7 Client

Hallo Community,obwohl sich der Zugang zu Alfresco via CIFS bei viele Anwendern laut den Foreneinträgen als problematisch erweist, habe ich dort noch keine Lösung für folgendes Problem finden können:Ausgangssituation:Alfresco Community v4.0.0 (b 3835...


AllWe have been struggling with an issue for a few weeks now and whilst I see alot of other folks have struggled as well, I do not see any solutions. Here is the situation. We have a workflow process that is not being started by Alfresco. When we att...

bcoulson by Champ in-the-making
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richiamare una pagina da azione personalizzata

Buonasera a tutti,ho creato una nuova pagina su share 4.0, ma come faccio a richiamarla da una action nella pagine document-details? Ad esempio come la action start-workflow. Mi sfugge proprio e non trovo nessun esempio simile. Poi ho letto che su Al...

need by Champ in-the-making
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Creating and Retrieving thumbnails for documents

Hello Friends,I want to create thumbnails for new documents uploaded in alfresco.I am uploading documents using web scripts. I have added code for creating thumbnails in my upload script.Some code from script…  upload = companyhome.createFile("upload...

Alfresco or share?

Can someone tell me what the difference is between the …/alfresco and the …/share url's?In what circumstances would a corporation use /alfresco instead of /share or both at the same time?Thanks

npereira by Champ in-the-making
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Webscript - Delete site

Hola.A través de un script en Perl estoy intentando borrar un site pero no paro de obtener fallo de que la petición JSON no es correcta.Mi petición en la siguiente:   my $json =  '{"shortName": "'.$site.'"}';   $h->header ('Content-Type' => 'applicat...

igomez by Champ on-the-rise
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Getting Version History Null

Hi,I want to show the version Id of the document I am uploading from javascript API.I am getting scriptNode.getVersionHistory() as null when I upload document first time from API.The thing is that, I am getting the same when i call a different api fo...

anujs86 by Champ in-the-making
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I am an engineer living in Japan.I am using Activiti for our application.My application needs to create query using 'like' operation for task variables and process variables to find tasks.Are there any solution to make 'like' query for using Activiti...

tomo1 by Champ in-the-making
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Trouble with Execution Listeners

Hello everyone!I have define a process where the sequence flow between two service tasks has an execution listener. What I am looking to do is have the process wait for an external event to continue the process. I put an infinite loop within the noti...

vnama by Champ in-the-making
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Content without Versioning

Hello,I am using 4.3.c Community edition.My main purpose is change the initial version of a Document. When you upload a new "Content" it always start with version "1.0". It will be a nice feature for future versions if you could choose the inital ver...

orbitron by Champ in-the-making
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