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Connection to FTP server

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

i want to connect Alfresco repository to an FTP server.. can we do that in alfreso?? so that we can take files from that FTP location and store it in alfresco repository folder.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Alfresco can expose its repository via FTP that means you can access the alfresco contents using the ftp client softwares.
I think for your requirment you first need to get some ftp client like filezilla which can connect to FTP server and all you to get the files and then you can transfer it to alfresco via same client

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
ya i have installed FileZilla in my system… and i gave the host: localhost/, username: my alfresco username, password: alfresco passwd and port: 8090 which is the port i have given while configuring alfresco. but i was not able to connect to alfresco repo… so can you please help me with it.

Thank You for the reply Smiley Happy

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

now we r able to connect to alfresco repo from filezilla. thank u for the reply. But i dint get wer to do the configuration that has been mentioned in that above link. So can u plz tell me more abt that.
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