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Forum Posts

Diagrammatically representing the steps in a workflow

Hi,We have a requirement where in say we have a workflow which has five steps to it. Each of the steps of the workflow needs to be represented diagrammatically. Say we at the start of the workflow there should be some pointer which indicates we are i...

nitinkcv by Champ in-the-making
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3.2r problem with stopping (on Win2003)-solved by workaround

Hallo,when we use the stop script, then there is an Error and the CMD-Line-Window does not close. The not closing CMD-Line-Window makes trouble by using the start/stop scrips with an automated Backup.The Intallation is a standard 3.2r Installation wi...

reboot by Champ in-the-making
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Adding custom metadata, should I use doctype, aspect, rule?

Hi all,I'm fairly new with alfresco and currently trying to find out how to do things alfresco way.I need to do simple thing : adding custom metadata to submitted contents. The property I needed to add consisting of simple text, date, and limited sel...

bluearth by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] Fichiers Paramétrage hors war

Bonjour,Je suis sur une version 3.2. Je voudrais mettre certains fichiers de paramétrage hors de mon war dans le répertoire \tomcat\shared\classes\alfresco\extensionDans une version Windows cela marche bien, mais en version Linux cela ne prends pas e...

Issues with NodeService.moveNode & FileFolderService.move

Hello all,Has anyone worked with the NodeService's moveNode or FileFolderService's move functions? I'm seeing the same odd behavior with both functions.The requirement I am fulfilling is that when a folder of my custom type is created, move it to a s...

rsulliv1 by Champ in-the-making
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[résolu] Impossible lister les dossiers sous SHARE avec IE8

Salut à tous,hop je mets une image, ce sera plus parlant pour tout le monde …Cette erreur n'apparait qu'avec IE (FF, chrome, safari, opera, OK … ) ! Impossible de lister les répertoires, ni de faire tout ce qu'on peut faire comme actions habituelles ...

vaporisator by Champ in-the-making
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Create Rule At user Creation

Hi all,First i thank you to view my post. I hope that u can clear my problem. I need to create a spaces into User home page when user created by admin. Thank in advancewith regards,  Feroz

feroz by Champ in-the-making
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Preferred method of installation

What do the Alfresco guys say is the preferred method of installation under Linux?  Is it to get the full install and run that or is it to setup tomcat etc. from your distribution and then roll out the war file along with any add-ons you might want?C...

jclacherty by Champ in-the-making
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Results in the node browser (lucene)

Hi, I have a issue (doubt rather) with the results displayed in the node browser , hope someone can throw some light on the scenario.When I upload a file(content) using the 'Add Content' UI fo alfresco to any particular space , and do a lucene query ...

abirb by Champ in-the-making
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Using Webscript to post Topic to Forum Content Type

All -I am attempting to develop a little javascript application that will allow me to post a topic to a discussion forum for a content item.  In doing this, I am trying to use the /alfresco/service/api/forum/node/{store_type}/{store_id}/{id}/posts we...

rhertzberg by Champ in-the-making
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