BPM System Architecture
Here in our organization we are thinking about BPM as being the driver for
software development.
We are going to build a kind of business portal application.
Each module will be about a different business area (BA).
We need some level of independence (version control, deployment) among BAs.
But we also need some degree of integration towards a unified portal.
We are trying to align our architecture roadmap to the Activiti's one.
Today we are considering the following architectural models:
1) Separated Process Engine per BA:
- share platform JARs (Spring, Activiti, and their dependencies) in a common classloader
- share a datasource pointing to Activiti schema
- isolate each BA in a standard WAR/JEE file
- instantiate a separaded process engine per BA
- solves current Class.forName issues in Activiti for invoking Java Tasks.
- several ProcessEngines –> higher memory footprint
- is there any consistency problem on instantiating several process engines (state, concurrency, caching)?
- what's the real memory footprint of a process engine instance? Is it a real problem?
2) Single and shared process engine among all BAs
- isolate each BA in a standard WAR/JEE file
- JavaTasks acessible via Rest API (decoupling)
- Process engine also acessible via Rest API
- total decoupling between workflow engine and BA
- shared process engine –> lower memory footprint
- JavaTask and process engine invocation latency is higher due to network/http stack
- need for more access control points (service task is now exposed by http rest interface)
- will Activiti be ready in version 5.0 GA to support such Rest model? If not, when?
3) Possible use of OSGi
- Process Engine started as bundle and acessible to other BAs (OSGi service listeners)
- each BA will be an isolated OSGi bundle.
- Process Engine will be able to find BA specific classes (Java Tasks, for example) using, for example,
"Eclipse-RegisterBuddy" and "Eclipse-BuddyPolicy" manifest headers.
- Eliminate the need for restful distribution (java tasks, process engine) –> lower latencies –> less need for access control points
- Possibility to redeploy BAs in production in a robust way –> higher availability
- higher development complexity due to the osgi model (specially if BA uses other libraries not ready for OSGi)
- When will Activiti be ready for OSGi?
- Which OSGi version will Activiti follow?
- Will Activiti be compliant with
General Questions
- In general, considering the scenario exposed in the beginning, which of the three models is the recommended and why?