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Forum Posts

Upload a File as Taks property

Here is my situation, I have an Advanced Workflow, that had a correct task model and the processdefinition from jBPM.But now I have to upload a new resource, that is a kind of attachment for the actual document that start the Advance Workflow.This up...

salaboy by Star Collaborator
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Rebuild flash previews?

We have uploaded a lot of documents to the site through ftp.Some of the documents have flash previews and thumbnails, a lot of documents don't.It would be nice if there was a way to let the server rebuild all flash previews/thumbnails for all documen...

jan by Champ in-the-making
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How to select parent of a given type somwhere in hierarchy?

Hello,My type ce:festival extends cm:folder. Inside of this festival there can be many folders with subfolders. Somewhere in hierachy there is a node for which I need to select ce:festival it is under. I do not know how deep it is - users can create ...

Installation de Alfresco Lab 3 avec MS SQL Server 2005 (URG

salut tt le mondeJe travaille sur projet de réalisation d'une plateforme e-learning.Pour cela, j'ai choisit Alfresco CMS comme un gestionnaire de contenu.Mais j'ai rencontré un problème lors de l'installation et qui se résume dans le fait que lors du...

Frage zum Einsatz

Hallo,ich stehe gerade vor der Aufgabe, ein System aufzubauen bei dem sich Kunden und Lieferanten einloggen können und sich bestimmte Informationen anschauen/bearbeiten können. Die zu lesbaren Daten sind z.B. offene Auftragsdaten, die ich z.B. über e...

knarzer77 by Champ in-the-making
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WCM how to start

Helloi downloaded and installed the 3.0 release, with WCMI tried to use it, with some problemI tried to find something like a tutorial and I found it in, but it is not enou...

bragosso by Champ in-the-making
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Abgebrochener Erststart

Hallo,ich hab ein SUSE Enterprise 10 und eine Oracle 10g als neues Zuhause für Alfresco 3 (lab).Der erste Start, wenn die DB angelegt wird, bricht mitten im UPDATE Script (AlfrescoSchemaUpdate-org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect-3445683205313801493....

xchris by Champ in-the-making
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Check-in; adding versionable aspect

Hi all,I'm trying to use the Check in/Check out API to do just that. My problem appears once I try to add the versionable aspect to the node I'm checking out, so that the versioning works once I check the node back in.//Add versionable aspect in orde...

lista by Star Contributor
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Import (multiple roots error) trying to restore a space store export.the import process via the command line tool works fine.It tells me everything is imported. no error.I try to boot up alfresco again and i get an errororg.alfresco.filesys.server.core.DeviceContextExceptio...

letom by Champ in-the-making
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