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Forum Posts

Problems using RichList component outside of Web Client

Hello,I am attempting to use several components from Alfresco Web Client in a custom Web Client I am developing…  I copied the tld file and migrated appropriate component definitions into my faces-config file.  I was able to successfully use the Pane...

alexeyg by Champ in-the-making
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Installation problem with MySQL

Hi folks,We are developing one project for our customer using Alfresco as CMS tools.In the process, we fixed many Alfresco issues existing in labs version, but met with a big one in integrating with MySQL.As you all know, default value of flag "lower...

clark by Champ on-the-rise
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Arbol Documental

Hola amigos del foro :!:  :!: Tengo algunas dudas que ojala me puedan ayudar a  resolver.1.- Con respecto al Arbol Documental, como se encuentra formado, cual es su estructura y como poder adaptarla a lo que sea necesario?.2.- Puedo crear nuevos Perf...

soledadcw by Champ in-the-making
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Jboss-4.2.3.GA Clustering and Alfresco Labs War3

Dear *,Does someone have experience with Alfresco on Jboss Clustering ? Is Alfresco supported on Jboss Clustering  ?Do I have Support I purchase an Alfresco Enterprise Edition set on JBoss Clustering ?What is the Alfresco recommendations for that kin...

fhornain by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with page navigation in links page

Hey everyone !   Still very happy with our Alfresco Share implementation ! We have been opening it to more and more users from the company in the last few days and everybody is happy with it !   We have a slight problem with the Links page, which cur...

aheaven by Champ in-the-making
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change company_home property

I want to change company_home to = "home".  I can do this by changing the file in the Alfresco code.  Is there a way to do this in the extension directory.  Please don't blindly point me to a document unless there is an explicit ...

space by Champ in-the-making
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How to separate different usergroups?

Hi!Is it possible to separate different usergroups, so that a user of group "A" cannot see users of group "B"?Perhaps we want to use Alfresco in an enterprise environment. For that, users of client "A" shouldn't/mustn't see users of client "B". In my...

aisling by Champ in-the-making
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Fail to run

I have a brand new installation of Labs3 with MySql 5.1.30, and sdk-3a.1032. I got the following exception when I run FirstFoundationClient. Is there anybody met such problem before?—————————————–13:14:18,313  ERROR [transform.magick.AbstractImageMag...

jeffwji by Champ in-the-making
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Custom model non valide avec déclaration de contrainte

Bonjour,je suis confronté à un problème curieux. Je fais du Alfresco depuis environ 3 semaines, et pour ce faire j'utilise le livre "Alfresco Developer Guide". De plus, je lis ce forum, et son équivalent Anglo-saxo.Pour mon problème, j'ai voulu ajout...

cviaud by Champ in-the-making
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Need Metadata of Alfresco.How the Doc and URL to doc stored?

Hello all,I am currently looking to find out the Metadata about the document storage in Alfresco. My ultimate Aim is to integrate the Alfresco with Enterprise System and make all the files in Alfresco downloadable from the Enterprise Search System. S...