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Forum Posts

Managing Multilingual Documents

Has anyone run into this problem with AlfrescoLabs3:After making a document MultiLingual and adding a newly translated document and then selecting Manage MultiLingual Content or Add Translation the browser throws the following exception? Any thoughts...

rhelsen49 by Champ in-the-making
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Problème avec Eclipse + Tomcat

Bonjour, J'ai un problème avec l'installation d'alfresco via eclipse.J'ai suivi ce tutorial : je lance la tâche Ant tout se passe bien, Build SuccessfulAvant de lancer la tâche Ant, Tomcat marc...

kiri31 by Champ in-the-making
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Enable/disable transition buttons?

I have a wf review task where if the document is accepted a further document has to be added to the bundle in order to proceed whereas if the document is rejected no further document exists. I can achieve this by including a further node for the reve...

maas101 by Champ in-the-making
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[RESOLU] erreur dashlet calendrier

bonjour, j'ai un petit soucis concernant la création d'une dashlet calendrier. j'ai trouvé la manière de procéder à cette adresse , j'ai suivi toutes les étapes, mais le calendrier ne s'af...

emily by Champ in-the-making
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Avatar and RSS can't DISPLAY

I have problem with Alfresco Share about Avatar and RSS:About Avatar in Alfresco Explorer(display Avatar uploaded):[img][/img]About Avatar in Alfresco Share(not display Image uploaded):[img]http://chi...

vinaxwater by Champ in-the-making
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Upgrade proceeds normally, result abnormal

Thanks for the earlier help by telling me to remove the # from a properties file.  Hopefully this is just as easy….After confirming our latest version of alfresco installed properly I did the following:*ran db_remove.sql script to remove the alfresco...

zshay by Champ in-the-making
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Intégration Active Directory Alfresco 3(d) stable

Bonjour,Nouveau venu sur la plateforme Alfresco, je suis chargé, dans mon entreprise, d'étudier Alfresco pour éviter Sharepoint.Après avoir essayé SharePoint c'est la croix et la bannière pour faire fonctionner Alfresco (Le clic & go ne marche plus )...

jdeclerck by Champ in-the-making
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NTLM passthru problem

Hi all,my setup is Alfresco 3.0 labs running on top of Ubuntu 8.04. I configured NTLM passthru as described in the Wiki, and it works (ie domain controller is used instead of Alfresco database for authentication) but only I configure Internet Explore...

lgambett by Champ in-the-making
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How to delete specific version of an content.

HelloIs there any method to delete "Specific" version of an uploaded document. Right now I am using deleteVersionHistory method of VersionService, but it deletes all versions of document except the specified one. But my need is to specify a version n...

amit_wmw by Champ in-the-making
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How I import complete repository backup(acp) files?

I have expoprted whole alfresco repository and it gives me total 7 acp files.Those all 7 files I have downloaded and stored on my hard drive location. Now I have re installed Alfresco. So how i can restore that backuped repository(7 acp files) in new...