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WCM how to start

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
i downloaded and installed the 3.0 release, with WCM
I tried to use it, with some problem
I tried to find something like a tutorial and I found it in, but it is not enough
Someone of you can help me sending a link where I can find a complete tutorial ?

p.s. I read, probably, all the documentation present on line under (wiki, developer, forum, and  much more)

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
I am new to this too, but the tutorial I found very helpful can be viewed at:

I know it says for for WCM 2.1 but I followed the entire tutorial on version 3 and it worked great.

Hope it helps.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi, as of today i am doing the same tutorial but i encountered a problem. At section "Creating New Web Content: Press Releases" i get a org.alfresco.service.cmr.avm.AVMNotFoundException: Store not found. error. My alfresco server is up and running but when i try to run the virtual server nothing happens. Is this my problem? Any ideas on what to do?

With regards

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

the same for me. Tried the WCM guide and had the same problem with the current AlfrescoLabs release.

Today I tried to compile AlfrescoLabs obtained from with "ant build-tomcat", because this posting suggests a patch for the problem:

I succeeded in getting a functioning alfresco installation, but the "Data Dictionary/Web Forms" category is missing, it seems that the WCM module where not correctly build/deployd.

Has anybody an idea, how to get "Web Forms" with the AlfrescoLabs sources? I also tried to drop a "studio.war" to tomcat/webapps and wcm-bootstrap-context.xml where deployed to tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/, but nothing helped.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hello again,

I uninstalled my previous Alfresco installation (Alfresco-Labs-3c-OOo-Setup(2).exe) and installed Alfresco-Labs-3Stable-OOo-Setup.exe. Nothing happend, i still get the same message and it is impossible to preview my site as i keep getting the "User:admin Warn [web.config.ClientConfigElement] Virtualization Server Not Started - reverting to default port: 8180". The attempts to go live also fail as even if i get a succesfull launch message i dont get a URL of my site. Is the tutorial old or my setup is wrong?

With Regars

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

did you start the virtual server (virtual_start.bat)? That should solve at least your problem with the website preview. The other problem is solved when using the enterprise edition, but I didn't succeed in using the "press release" example with the Labs version, yet.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi and thanks for your response,

That is my problem from the beggining, when i doubleclick the virtual_start.bat or try to start the virtual server from the menu the dosprompt pops open for  a second and then closes. The alfresco server on the other hand works fine. Something must be wrong with my installation but i am new at this and i dont know where to look. Do you mean to say that by installing the same alfresco package as myself you can preview your website? If not what did you download and install?

With regards

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi and thanks for your response,

That is my problem from the beggining, when i doubleclick the virtual_start.bat or try to start the virtual server from the menu the dosprompt pops open for  a second and then closes. The alfresco server on the other hand works fine. Something must be wrong with my installation but i am new at this and i dont know where to look. Do you mean to say that by installing the same alfresco package as myself you can preview your website? If not what did you download and install?

With regards

Try to set JAVA_HOME system variable. For me it works fine.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi and thanks for your response,

That is my problem from the beggining, when i doubleclick the virtual_start.bat or try to start the virtual server from the menu the dosprompt pops open for  a second and then closes. The alfresco server on the other hand works fine. Something must be wrong with my installation but i am new at this and i dont know where to look. Do you mean to say that by installing the same alfresco package as myself you can preview your website? If not what did you download and install?

With regards


I meant the "org.alfresco.service.cmr.avm.AVMNotFoundException: Store not found." error. I got rid off it with the Enterprise Edition of Alfresco. The virtual server should be working fine for both Editions. You don't have to install it twice. Perhaps it's just a wrong set environment variable like "viking" suggested.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Ok, now I was able to create a "Press release" from the WCM tutorial with the Labs Edition.

Like described in the Wiki I checked out the sources and executed "ant -f build.xml". Afterwards I tried the "ant-f continuous.xml distribute" command, which ran into errors. The directory ALF-BINARIES with artifacts like the tomcat and .bat files is missing.

I tried to create it by myself, but gave up after a while. 😉

Now I tried to search for the "alfresco.war" in my previously build source tree and copied it into the original Labs directory (tomcat/webapps). Before that I deleted the directory "tomcat/webapps/alfresco", just in case.

And afterwards everything where fine, the formular for the press release was popping up, instead of the execpetion message. 🙂