My goal is for my UI code, knowing only the id of an intermediateCatchEvent to cause that gateway to open and move on to the "catch" task. I don't think the UI should know the name of the message (the messageRef), that seems like an implementation detail, and since there can only be one messageRef, the messageRef should be implicit.
So, let's say I have:
<eventBasedGateway eventGatewayType="Exclusive" gatewayDirection="Unspecified" id="_17" instantiate="false" name="Event Gateway (Instantiate)">
<sequenceFlow id="_19" sourceRef="_17" targetRef="_18"/>
<intermediateCatchEvent id="_18" name="Intermediate Catch Event" parallelMultiple="false">
<messageEventDefinition id="_18_ED_1" messageRef="messageRef"/>
Now, I have a handle to the PvmActivity for the intermediateCatchEvent that I was able to get via the id of the event gateway the UI passed to me.
From that, I need to get messageEventDefinition, specifically its messageRef.
Is this possible with the API? How? I'm not going to have to parse the BPMN XML, am I?