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Forum Posts

How to delete the PDF version of the file automatically?

Hello I am using Alfresco community 2.1I created simple workflow. Docs are transferred from draft to approved and PDF are created automatically, how to delete those PDFs if the document is removed from approved files to drafts ?Thanks for helpMichal

tomcat/webapps folder doesn't have what it should

I followed the Alfresco installation steps on the Wiki and came to an abrupt halt when it mentioned the WEB-INF folder under the tomcat/webapps folder.Unless I'm totally missing something, the only thing I have in the webapps folder is alfresco.war a...

rchapman by Champ in-the-making
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Cant start tomcat

Hey,I am running into a little bit of a problem.  I previously had installed Alfresco successfully on my computer and had configured the repository to use mysql. I needed to change my mySQL environment, so I dropped my Alfresco database, uninstalled ...

dooley by Champ in-the-making
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Gestion de l'affichage du navigateur

Bonjour,J'ai ajouté un utilisateur, configuré son espace d'accueil.. Par contre j'aimerai gérer la partie de gauche "Navigateur".Si je veux supprimer l'onglet "Accueil", "Mon alfresco"ET pour l'instant je vois pas comment.Merci

hlander10 by Champ in-the-making
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How to activate add-in Word 2003 and Excel 2003

Hi everybody!I installed the add-in Word 2003 without any problem but When I open Word 2003 It can't show alfresco's button. Please, will someone give me some  suggestion?..In addition, I have installed the add-in Excel 2003 and  I want to know which...

vicky by Champ in-the-making
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Modifier fichier web-client-config.xml

Alors je sais il faut pas le toucher, mais justement j'aimerais par exemple , modifier   <default-plugin>navigator</default-plugin> par  <default-plugin>shelf</default-plugin>Donc si j'ai compris je fait un copier coller de la partie <config evaluato...

hlander10 by Champ in-the-making
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HELP: Hierarchy of Roles in Alfresco

Hi, I'm trying to implement a Role Diagram for adapting the RBAC model to Alfresco , so i need to create a hierarchy of roles like this spite<– Role1 <– Role2 <– Role3 <– Role4 adding to the tag <permissionSet type="cm:cmobject" expose="selected">  ...

rafpgn by Champ in-the-making
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How to extend login duration?

I'm trying to deploy Alfresco 2.1.0 Community on an intranet. I'm using JDK 6u4, Tomcat 6.0.14, and chaining authentication with LDAP against AD. Users can login but logins expire way too soon (30 minutes? A few hours? Is it tied to the session timeo...

rcalmbac by Champ in-the-making
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Problème avec le Web Client Task Dialogs...

Bonjour à tous,J'ai créé un workflow tout simple mais lorsque je le choisi dans la listedes choix de workflows avancés il me renvoie vers un formulaire où,bien que j'en ai besoin, il ne me demande pas à qui je veux attribuerune tâche.Pourtant j'ai dé...