Has anyone been able to get Alfresco to authenticate and send mail through Office365.com? I am currently trying to get it to work, but when it tries to send the test email, I get an error in the logs saying, "Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM".
Here is my current mail config in the alfresco-global.properties
<blockcode>### Outbound Email Configuration ### mail.host=SMTP.office365.com mail.port=587 #<—(I have also tried port 25 here as well & get same error) mail.username=<username@domain.com> mail.password=<password> mail.encoding=UTF-8 #mail.protocol=smtps mail.smtps.starttls.enable=true #mail.smtps.auth=true mail.smtp.auth=true mail.smtp.timeout=40000</blockcode>
First off, my Office 365 administrator was able to create a relay connector using the guide at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn554323(v=exchg.150).aspx. He said that guide wasn't up to date for the current version of Office 365, but he was able to use the guide to figure it out.
Once the connector was created, I had to add the following config lines to the <b>alfresco-global.properties</b> file locate in the <b><tomcat home>\shared\classes</b> directory:
<blockcode>mail.host=SMTP.office365.com mail.port=587 mail.username=<account name> #<— This is the email address used to log into Office 365 mail.password=<password> mail.smtp.starttls.enable=true mail.smtp.auth=true mail.smtp.timeout=40000 mail.from.default=<username email> #<—-(This has to be the same as the email use to log into Office365 in the mail.username config line)</blockcode>