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Alfresco and Samba - Could not connect to CIFS.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
We installed Alfresco 1.4 on SuSE 10.1. We cannot connect to CIFS. The maschine is our PDC (via Samba and OpenLDAP), too. Samba und Alfresco should use different IPs. I looks like Samba and Alfresco do not work together, because Alfresco does not accept the configuration and binds itself on the wrong IP. Alfresco is not configured with LDAP, yet.

When we try to connect to CIFS via Windows 2003, we always get "wrong username or password" from Windows - and he wants us to use the domain for login, which is not used by alfresco, yet. So the login failes.

The error messages in logfiles we get are

21:09:54,188 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol] Failed to get local domain/workgroup name, using default of WORKGROUP
21:09:54,188 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol] (This may be due to firewall settings or incorrect <broadcast> setting)
21:09:54,221 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.netbios] NetBIOSNameServer setup error: Address already in use
21:37:14,358 ERROR [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.mailslot] HostAnnouncer error Address already in use

The file-servers.xml in /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco contains:

<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="CIFS Server">
      <host name="${localname}_A"/>
      <comment>Alfresco CIFS Server</comment>
      <!– Set to the broadcast mask for the subnet –>

      <!– Use Java socket based NetBIOS over TCP/IP and native SMB on linux –>
      <tcpipSMB platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
      <netBIOSSMB bindto="" platforms="linux,solaris,macosx"/>
      <hostAnnounce interval="5"/>

      <!– Use Win32 NetBIOS interface on Windows –>
      <Win32Announce interval="5"/>

         <!– <secondary></secondary> –>

      <sessionDebug flags="Negotiate,Socket"/>

Any idea how to fix this?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I just encircled the problem a bit. The problem ist not Samba or the IP or something - its just between Alfresco and Windows.

Why does Windows sent login details via NTLM? How can I disable this?


Log files created by enabling detailed loggin for login procedure:

10:49:50,217 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup from user=jdkrueger, password=8772cc327bf7d2f301f27f4c3ce635640101000000000000b05e7832651
fc7015e18f65b1f1ad776000000000200020043000100020041000000000000000000, ANSIpwd=dd5d48088ca83fd4e18d590ecd7be1d65e18f65b1f1ad776, domain=CARAEUROPE, os=Windows
Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 1, VC=0, maxBuf=61440, maxMpx=4, authCtx=[NTLM,Challenge=8e11948762e296ec]
10:49:50,217 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]   MID=8, UID=0, PID=65279
10:49:50,564 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Using secondary password hash - dd5d48088ca83fd4e18d590ecd7be1d65e18f65b1f1ad776
10:49:50,565 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]                    Local hash - a4294e66db31e8f8222f73bd93c962c9f16678d5b6279581
10:49:50,566 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Authenticated user jdkrueger sts=BadPassword via MD4
10:49:50,566 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User jdkrueger, access denied
10:49:50,600 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup from user=jdkrueger, password=485be4a8d107d10b655a00466cf1fe740101000000000000d06fb232651
fc701739f33bc4c0dfc08000000000200020043000100020041000000000000000000, ANSIpwd=d9ac1f5530eb9bbc068dfc481c534338739f33bc4c0dfc08, domain=CARAEUROPE, os=Windows
Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 1, VC=0, maxBuf=61440, maxMpx=4, authCtx=[NTLM,Challenge=8144413bdce1b02f]
10:49:50,600 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]   MID=8, UID=0, PID=65279
10:49:50,620 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Using secondary password hash - d9ac1f5530eb9bbc068dfc481c534338739f33bc4c0dfc08
10:49:50,620 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]                    Local hash - 8cee2967caf694bacfe8208b4262b26e2e65ad2f2f3040dd
10:49:50,621 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Authenticated user jdkrueger sts=BadPassword via MD4
10:49:50,621 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User jdkrueger, access denied
10:49:50,655 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup from user=jdkrueger, password=7c21c78efcc46c73d572a005cc2918b00101000000000000f09abb32651
fc7015dd156eec4660044000000000200020043000100020041000000000000000000, ANSIpwd=1054f9c4131c787ed5ca130a95a977515dd156eec4660044, domain=CARAEUROPE, os=Windows
Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 1, VC=0, maxBuf=61440, maxMpx=4, authCtx=[NTLM,Challenge=dc5f3a72bb2335c7]
10:49:50,655 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]   MID=8, UID=0, PID=65279
10:49:50,661 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Using secondary password hash - 1054f9c4131c787ed5ca130a95a977515dd156eec4660044
10:49:50,661 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]                    Local hash - 57d1c8d5d1c67c4940992866cc0489d3c56ae9e6a144f8fe
10:49:50,662 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Authenticated user jdkrueger sts=BadPassword via MD4
10:49:50,662 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User jdkrueger, access denied
10:49:50,774 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup from user=jdkrueger, password=332a15bcca63ddf6c0846d9ff51d76d5010100000000000030f1cd32651
fc701c7c935e7c5b1b375000000000200020043000100020041000000000000000000, ANSIpwd=5ed2d630ea92f1245e0332b40db380afc7c935e7c5b1b375, domain=CARAEUROPE, os=Windows
Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 1, VC=0, maxBuf=61440, maxMpx=4, authCtx=[NTLM,Challenge=b1f995554f7b88ad]
10:49:50,774 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]   MID=8, UID=0, PID=65279
10:49:50,780 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Using secondary password hash - 5ed2d630ea92f1245e0332b40db380afc7c935e7c5b1b375
10:49:50,780 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]                    Local hash - edf69a970a443009d02e99383b3e6456ecbd45ef6dcbab87
10:49:50,781 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Authenticated user jdkrueger sts=BadPassword via MD4
10:49:50,781 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User jdkrueger, access denied
10:49:50,795 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup from user=jdkrueger, password=47c40847f937046140f101270a981a9f010100000000000090ffd032651
fc701ce2b6068b6dea27c000000000200020043000100020041000000000000000000, ANSIpwd=b80ea738623d6845a3a02b8a7d593082ce2b6068b6dea27c, domain=CARAEUROPE, os=Windows
Server 2003 3790 Service Pack 1, VC=0, maxBuf=61440, maxMpx=4, authCtx=[NTLM,Challenge=b1f995554f7b88ad]
10:49:50,795 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]   MID=16, UID=0, PID=65279
10:49:50,801 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Using secondary password hash - b80ea738623d6845a3a02b8a7d593082ce2b6068b6dea27c
10:49:50,802 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]                    Local hash - edf69a970a443009d02e99383b3e6456ecbd45ef6dcbab87
10:49:50,804 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Authenticated user jdkrueger sts=BadPassword via MD4
10:49:50,804 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User jdkrueger, access denied
10:49:53,945 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] NT Session setup from user=admin, password=f9caf410404b778c555bbee6cb89346b010100000000000070d0b034651fc70
1c57440da55955ba4000000000200020043000100020041000000000000000000, ANSIpwd=1179d9f4a8693efb87166e5733fbff46c57440da55955ba4, domain=CARAEUROPE, os=Windows Ser
ver 2003 3790 Service Pack 1, VC=0, maxBuf=61440, maxMpx=4, authCtx=[NTLM,Challenge=3d7c8ca44a92619a]
10:49:53,946 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]   MID=8, UID=0, PID=65279
10:49:53,964 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Using secondary password hash - 1179d9f4a8693efb87166e5733fbff46c57440da55955ba4
10:49:53,964 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth]                    Local hash - 76db60bf0e4fcc39b4cdda5dd9182a3ea02a6e652f129821
10:49:53,965 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] Authenticated user admin sts=BadPassword via MD4
10:49:53,965 DEBUG [org.alfresco.smb.protocol.auth] User admin, access denied

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Try to add these lines in the file-servers-custom.xml, it worked for me in a pre 1.4 environment. Trying to get CIFS working in 1.4.0 at the moment so it may not be enough yet…

   <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Filesystem Security">
      <authenticator type="passthru">

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Thanks fou your answer. Ill try this. But: I dont want to use NTLM or LDAP! I just want to login via CIFS… with no whistles and bells…

Warm regards,

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
As I dont want to use LDAP or NTLM (yet) the problem was not solved by editing the authenticator.

Any idea how I can use CIFS?


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator
Hi Dennis,
unfortunately you went in the wrong direction.
The reason for your unsuccessful deployment is that
–> /webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/extension/file-servers-custom.xml
is overriding the file
–> /webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/file-servers.xml

And in addition the file-servers-custom.xml in the tomcat/shared/ dir is overridden by the file-servers-custom.xml in the WAR file.

So just remove the /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/extension/file-servers-custom.xml
and go ahead with your config. You will see it works 😉


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I have started a thread that I hope to eventually turn into a AlfrescoWiki page for how to configure Active Directory authentication for both CIFS and the Web Interface in Alfresco Labs 3c.

Please see my thread:
[ERROR]Alfresco Engineers: CIFS auth does not work. Sugg?

Please come join in the discussion, or at least subscribe to the thread. I want to try to get everyone having these types of issues into the thread so that we can get a large collection of experiences and configurations.

We WILL find the answer for how to enable Active Directory authentication with CIFS in Alfresco!!