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Alfresco 4.0.b on Ubuntu 10.04LTS x64 server in TEXT MODE

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi All,

Seem to have some issues with installing.
I downloaded the .bin file on my Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS x64 server and chmodded it with +X.
Now when i try to run the file in textmode, it is trying to run for around 10 secs, after this i receive a message "Killed".

Sorted out all log files but couldnt find anything related. To me it looks like the installation is trying to start the GUI instead of the text mode.
I used —mode text, but also without the result is exact the same.

Anyone got any ideas?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
I would say - install java6, tomcat6, your Database, imagemagick, libreoffice, xpdf-reader via "Aptitude" or "apt-get", download the "zip" and then follow this instruction here

Ignore the swftools-installation for starters and remember to either deactivate solr or use 4.0C.

Once all runs well, you can go ahead with swftools collection of utils. The gif_lib might give you headaches - use libgif-dev instead.

Regards, Norgan