09-04-2008 09:10 AM
09-04-2008 10:41 AM
09-04-2008 10:54 AM
09-04-2008 11:22 AM
// get the NodeRef representing the server to deploy to
NodeRef serverRef = (NodeRef)action.getParameterValue(PARAM_SERVER);
// get the other data from the deploymentserver object
Map<QName, Serializable> serverProps = nodeService.getProperties(serverRef);
String serverUri = calculateServerUri(serverProps);
String host = (String)serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERHOST);
Integer port = (Integer)serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERPORT);
String remoteUsername = (String)serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERUSERNAME);
String remotePassword = (String)serverProps.get(WCMAppModel.PROP_DEPLOYSERVERPASSWORD);
09-04-2008 11:35 AM
09-04-2008 11:49 AM
List<ChildAssociationRef> serverRefs = getNodeService().getChildAssocs(
09-04-2008 12:31 PM
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