When we search for a term in the Alfresco client, the results reflect looking for the string in both the contents and the names of the files in Alfresco. For different reasons we have created a full-text search form that is launched from a portal. It launches a lucene search and shows the results in a separate window.
On problem is that the search does not report files that contain the string searched only in the filename!
Today we launch the search with the following line:
Based on advice and a successful search in the node browser, we replaced this with
space.childrenByLuceneSearch["TEXT"+args['query']+") OR @cm:name"+args['query']+")”]
There are no errors, but the results still miss the files with the query string in their name. If we only use the term "@cm:name"+args['query']+")", we see nothing even though this query seems to work in the node browser.
Does anyone have any suggestion for a better way to do this?
Syntax is not correct. The correct syntax is @cm\:name, so in javascript @cm\\:name Try with : space.childrenByLuceneSearch["TEXT"+args['query']+") OR @cm\\:name"+args['query']+")”]