08-12-2015 11:36 AM
I want to allow version on my custom document types after modifying fields. I've added the following contribution but there's no change i'm still facing the same problem. I've attached my current edit tab and my contribution.
08-13-2015 07:45 AM
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.project.samplle.versioningrules">
<!-- Default versioning rules -->
<extension point="versioningRules" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.versioning.VersioningService">
<versioningRule typeName="yourCustomType">
<initialState major="0" minor="0"/>
<options lifeCycleState="*">
<none default="true"/>
It worked after modifying my contribution to the above contribution
08-13-2015 07:45 AM
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.project.samplle.versioningrules">
<!-- Default versioning rules -->
<extension point="versioningRules" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.versioning.VersioningService">
<versioningRule typeName="yourCustomType">
<initialState major="0" minor="0"/>
<options lifeCycleState="*">
<none default="true"/>
It worked after modifying my contribution to the above contribution
03-15-2016 06:39 AM
Even I had the same Question but found later. https://answers.nuxeo.com/general/q/fef78cff565440d580b4db997e5eed4f/Disable-auto-versioning
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