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Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

With every new year comes new opportunities. And new challenges.5d412679d4d44fb0bdc58e2fead95aed


For many organizations, they come in the shape of data and file volume. In fact, the volume of data generated, consumed, copied, and stored worldwide is projected to reach more than 180 zettabytes by 2025.


And a single zettabyte is more than 12 billion 4K videos. … Or the equivalent of all your Zoom meetings last week.


Some of this volume can be attributed to large, complex files such as 3D, 360° images, layouts, and videos — which are becoming more and more popular for organizations creating and managing rich media assets. To address the emergence and handling of large files, our Hyland Nuxeo Platform engineers are improving Compound Documents in V2, as well as enhancements to several connectors including Frame IO, Aspera, and Nuxeo Drive.


The details


Here are what I consider the top four Nuxeo enhancements that improve the experience — whether you’re in IT, an end user, or an admin.


1. Enhancements to Compound Documents V2


  • Set up compound documents out of the box, instead of writing custom scripts
  • Provide one asset/location for users to work within reducing time and effort spent associating files with one another
  • Upload, preview, and navigation of documents from inside the Compound Document

These improvements also create an incentive for your organization to increase the development and management of next-gen content by linking images, data, and content. Meanwhile, connectors provide a link to and from Nuxeo and business applications — eliminating bottlenecks to improve speed and scale.


2. Enhancements to Nuxeo Drive


  • Provide a streamlined way for users to communicate between the desktop and their content repository
  • Use bidirectional synchronization to modify and update files automatically
  • Reduce steps to create folders and automatically labels document types at upload
  • Eliminate multiple steps to create folders by staying in the Direct transfer screen


3. Enhancements to Frame.IO

  • Collaborate and push content from and to Adobe Premiere and other video editing tools

4. Enhancements to Nuxeo Aspera


  • Enable users to upload/download binaries with the Aspera Connect client by using connectors
    • We designed this feature for Aspera On Cloud instances; however, it is possible to use self-hosted Aspera instance
  • Manage a large number of files
  • Utilize proxy support


  • Enjoy UX improvements 

The experience

We’re excited about these enhancements and how they’ll improve your overall Nuxeo experience. As the amount of data we interact with increases exponentially, making sure people can find it and use it is critical.


Even more critical than all those zettabytes of cat videos on Tik Tok.


To upgrade and take advantage of these enhancements, contact your Account Manager. Thanks!