10-09-2015 09:54 AM
Hi, the documents inherit permissions from the parent folder. I need to have only the creator's document to have remove privilege on his document. So someone creates a document and he's the only one supposed to be able to move or remove it. And he cannot remove someone else's document in the same folder. He is given remove privilege on his document but he cannot move it because the parent folder does not have remove privilege.
What would be the best way to arrange permissions for that to work this way ?
10-13-2015 12:06 PM
For the first part, you could add an event handler for the creation of such a document and update ACLs as you wish.
10-13-2015 03:54 PM
In fact, the need is to have specific permission at the document level (is it possible?).
10-13-2015 05:07 PM
It is indeed possible to have specific permission at the document level.Through automation as I suggested, but you can also activate the rights tab in the ui. I guess this is not possible out of the box because it can generate a lot of ACL entries and performance problems.
10-14-2015 01:01 PM
Yes, that's the way my permissions are organized
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