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Problems to upload information to the form

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hi guys, I have two question:

1) I have an entity called Report and this Report can be related to one or more Missions existing in the database(another entity). On Report Creation Form, we want to create a list where the user can select more than one Mission related.

But I don't know which widget we can use there. We must apply some query in that Mission list. I know how create a list of "vocabulary", but we don't know how create a list for an entity, and how apply a query in this entity. Could someone help me?

2) I have a Workflow for Report and this workflow has 2 Tasks (nodes). The Task1 was forwarded to User1. This task has a field called "COMMENTS". I've set this value into a Workflow variable called "responsible_comments". User1 fills this field, responds to User2 and this Task is finished. The Task2 is started and I want to retrieve the last value of the "responsible_comments" into a Task2 form. I've built the Task2 Form using the Workflow variable "responsible_comments", but this value is empty. How can I show this value into Task2 Form?

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In that case it's definitely supposed to work. There must be something else to explain the variable being reset, like an automation with a "Update workflow variable" or something...

Hi ,

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hi Manuek,