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no ddl VCS configuration not working in nuxeo EP 5.5

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I first started Nuxeo 5.5 EP with my oracle database configured with OWNER rights. Then I wanted to connect it with USER rights, USER has synonyms so USER does not have rights to CREATE table.

All the tables are there in database, but when I started the nuxeo server it gave me errors like the following:

2012-05-07 08:00:28,691 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] Unsuccessful: create table RECM_USER.NXP_LOGS (LOG_ID integer not null, LOG_EVENT_CATEGORY varchar2(255 char), LOG_EVENT_COMMENT varchar2(1024 char), LOG_DOC_LIFE_CYCLE varchar2(255 char), LOG_DOC_PATH varchar2(1024 char), LOG_DOC_TYPE varchar2(255 char), LOG_DOC_UUID varchar2(255 char), LOG_EVENT_DATE timestamp, LOG_EVENT_ID varchar2(255 char) not null, LOG_PRINCIPAL_NAME varchar2(255 char), LOG_REPO_ID varchar2(255 char), primary key (LOG_ID)) 2012-05-07 08:00:28,691 ERROR [org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate] ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

I referred to this:

and set the to true.

but nuxeo server again tries to create tables; and the errors persists.

Where am I wrong..


Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

How did you set noDDL to true: which file(s) did you change?
Did you precisely write <noDDL> and not <noddl> (in lowercase)?

Note with INFO level on "", if no DDL was properly set, you would see a log line stating that JDBCBackend is "Skipping database creation".

Julien thanks for the reply,

Julien, the no DDL property is successfully set as Im able to see the following line in my logs

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator

<noDDL> only controls VCS, but given the error message you show your problem comes from Hibernate.

In any case if you want a kind of "noDDL" for hibernate you still must create the tables by hand before starting Nuxeo, it needs them.

Florent, all the table are setup in my oracle database, for the above error I mentioned, NXP_LOGS exists in my oracle database.