12-26-2014 05:06 PM
I notice that the 6.0-01 package installs:
But after https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXP-12617, Jersey 1.17.1 is required by Nuxeo, and this requires JAXB API 2.1+. I believe this is causing an issue with a Marketplace package I have written that depends on jersey-json
with ${jersey.version}
(Nuxeo's variable). After the base install, I see these results:
And after my package is installed, I see this:
This leads to startup failures complaining about the old and new versions of JAXB.
The only dependencies I declare that has anything to do with this are:
12-28-2014 10:32 PM
After a second review it seems like the 2.0 jar might not be part of the problem
12-28-2014 11:40 PM
I ended up doing the following adaptation of the Marketplace packaging we use (based on Nuxeo Marketplace packaging examples on GitHub):
Add an endorsed section to the install.xml
template in src/main/resources:
Add code to the assembly.xml
file to generate an instruction to copy the jaxb-api
jar to endorsed/
<var name="install.endorsed" value="" />
<available file="${outdir}/marketplace/install/lib/jaxb-api-2.2.2.jar" />
<var name="install.endorsed"
<copy file="${package.root}/install/lib/jaxb-api-2.2.2.jar"${line.separator}
todir="${env.server.home}/endorsed" overwrite="true" />${line.separator}
<delete file="${env.server.home}/endorsed/jaxb-api-2.0.jar" />" />
<copy file="src/main/resources/install.xml"
<filter token="BUNDLES" value="${install.bundles}" />
<filter token="LIBS" value="${install.libs}" />
<filter token="PROPERTIES" value="${install.properties}" />
<filter token="TEMPLATES" value="${install.templates}" />
<filter token="ENDORSED" value="${install.endorsed}" />
This produces the effect of removing jaxb-api-2.0.jar
and adding jaxb-api-2.2.2.jar
to the endorsed/
directory when our custom package is installed. I do not see any obvious problems when I restart Nuxeo and use it on my development machine. However, this seems like a brittle way to address this JAXB API JAR versioning issue.
Is there any better solution?
12-29-2014 06:32 AM
Thanks, we shouldn't include things in endorsed
anymore as the JDK has a more recent version now. This dates from a while back. I opened [NXP-16270](https
12-29-2014 12:25 PM
Thanks... with that news it seems like handling the workaround (removal of the jaxb-api-2.0.jar) is better done in our server configuration management instead of in the Marketplace package like above.
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