05-28-2013 07:39 AM
We'd like to know which method could be applied to migrate data from a Nuxeo 5.1.5 to Nuxeo 5.6.
In Nuxeo 5.1.5, data are managed by JackRabbit & Postgresql 8.3.17. In Nuxeo 5.6, we'll use Postgresql 9.2.
Do we have to migrate the data, step by step, from 5.1.5 to 5.6 (through intermediate versions) or make directly an export/import of the data in the new system ?
We've found the following documentation : http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/ADMINDOC/Upgrading+your+Nuxeo+Version.
Is there any complementary information we should know for our need ?
Thank you for your replies.
05-28-2013 11:46 AM
This is the right documentation. You must carefully follow the sub-pages indications.
The usual recommended procedure is to upgrade step by step, version by version.
A quicker solution is to export then import data from old to new version but unless you write your own exporter and importer, or are fine with the default results, you will lose some informations: the default export implementations are not equivalent to a backup, some informations are ignored (see Nuxeo Core Import / Export API and Exporting documents).
The hard work in your case is the migration from JCR to VCS. I'm sorry I don't remember all the details nor the related documentations since 5.1.x is really old but it is feasible (all our customers did it).
You will find informations on doc.nuxeo.com, answers.nuxeo.com and on deprecated resources such as the forum, the old wiki and the Nuxeo 5.1 books
05-28-2013 11:46 AM
This is the right documentation. You must carefully follow the sub-pages indications.
The usual recommended procedure is to upgrade step by step, version by version.
A quicker solution is to export then import data from old to new version but unless you write your own exporter and importer, or are fine with the default results, you will lose some informations: the default export implementations are not equivalent to a backup, some informations are ignored (see Nuxeo Core Import / Export API and Exporting documents).
The hard work in your case is the migration from JCR to VCS. I'm sorry I don't remember all the details nor the related documentations since 5.1.x is really old but it is feasible (all our customers did it).
You will find informations on doc.nuxeo.com, answers.nuxeo.com and on deprecated resources such as the forum, the old wiki and the Nuxeo 5.1 books
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