09-25-2012 05:46 AM
I am trying to get default views on custom document types that extend Folder or support the dublincore schema, but I can't figure out what exactly to contribute to org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.types.TypeService. Here are the types:
<doctype name="myContainer" extends="Folder">
<facet name="myFacet"/>
<doctype name="myItem">
<schema name="common"/>
<schema name="dublincore"/>
<schema name="myItemSchema"/>
The best I have obtained is an empty listing for myContainer. What would it take (not using Studio) for the myContainer page under http://server/nuxeo/nxpath to display like a normal folder page (with items listed and a "New" command to create subfolders)?
09-25-2012 07:08 AM
I suggest to read this documentation, especially the UI part and layout part (section Containment rules).
09-25-2012 07:57 AM
I have read that document and the relevant help sections, many times...
09-25-2012 09:19 AM
Can you try to just add Folderish facet to your container type ?
09-27-2012 10:43 AM
I just tried that, and it doesn't make any difference.
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