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Forum Posts

Viewing Documents Published in Sections

I have about 6000 documents (.odt files) stored in 32 folders under Workspaces, and about half of those documents have status Approved after going through a parallel workflow, and have been published in identically named folders under Sections. Howev...

Add default column to content view in JSF UI

I need to add the source column to the default content view. I find some documentation on how to do this using Nuxeo studio. But I'm not using Nuxeo studio. I've tried to figure out how this works by overriding templates but have, so far, not succeed...

How to upload to S3 bucket using presigned url?

0 I want to generate a presigned URL for an S3 bucket, and upload files using the url, not through nuxeo server or the direct upload option. The documentation, says, that I need to set the CloudFrontBinaryManager as the binary manager to be used. Des...

Suggestion widget based on earlier field content

I know there are predefined widgets creating suggestions based on associated vocabularies, documents or users. Is there a simple was to provide such a feature for a free text field, based on the previous entries in this field (allowing for a kind of ...

mit_ by Champ in-the-making
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Nuxeo Document.Delete operation example

Hi, I'm trying to delete a document by it's ID e.g. "76c69a54-0230-457a-b42c-e819d5ace862" from the javascript api according to documentation you can use Document.Delete operation to make it happen, and in the same documentation is written "You can f...

Juan_Gomez by Champ in-the-making
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Installing custom package to Nuxeo

Hi Team, I am trying to package the s3-cloud manager I have to create a custom addon for nuxeo. To get some hands-on, I got the source code of cloudbinarymanager, which has the source code for different storage connecters. I followed the steps writte...