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Generate thumbs on video storyboard update via API

Star Contributor
Star Contributor


I'm trying to use the video storyboard feature to show the chapter marks of mp4 videos. I can update the Video via API PUT command correctly:

curl -X PUT 'SERVER/nuxeo/api/v1/path//test/Import/' -u Administrator:Administrator -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{ "entity-type":"document","type":"Video","title":"test video","repository":"default","properties":{"vid:storyboard":[{"comment":" 0","timecode":0.0},{"comment":" 1","timecode":1.0},{"comment":" 2","timecode":430.0}]}}'

The new timecodes show in the storyboard as position markers so you can select the chapters correctly. Now, my question is: how can I trigger a recalculation of the storyboard images for this updated storyboard position markers? Any help highly appreciated.

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