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Deploying, to a non-eclipse server, developed code which started in the Nuxeo IDE and Studio.

Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

Would someone please point me to document/tutorial that starts with a Studio/IDE based addition to Nuxeo DM and deploys the same to a separate test server running Tomcat/Nuxeo?

I have Nuxeo IDE working with the server system started via eclipse. I also have my custom schemas, etc updated on the same "eclipse" based server system using Studio. Also, I have custom Java code written with the help of the IDE: automation actions, a few SEAM components, etc.; this all works on my development system.

I would like to run these updates on a test system before deploying it to a production server. The Studio stuff is easy and I have it deployed. The Java code written with Nuxeo IDE is where I'm having the issues.

Is the deployment as simple as placing a file in the target nuxeo distribution file tree? Do I need to use maven to generate a deployment package?

I've never deployed a "stand alone" additions using maven and have come into the development process at the Studio/Nuxeo IDE level, I have not found a tutorial which takes the code and Studio updates I have written and deploys them to a server which is not controlled by eclipse.

Any pointers, comments will be helpful.


Star Contributor
Star Contributor


the IDE projets can be built using maven. What's you need is a way of integrating these artifacts in your deployment. I suggest you to create a new maven project for building a marketplace package and then use the nuxeoctl tool for installing it into your server.

Here is a skeleton of the pom file

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

  <name>Marketplace package for your plugins</name>


Here is the skeleton for the package descriptor located in src/main/resources/package.xml

<package type="addon" name="your-package" version="@VERSION@">
  <title>A title</title>
  <vendor>Your Organisation</vendor>
  <installer restart="false" />
  <uninstaller restart="true" />
  <!-- <hotreload-support>true</hotreload-support> -->
  <!-- <require-terms-and-conditions-acceptance>false -->
  <!-- </require-terms-and-conditions-acceptance> -->

Here is the skeleton for the installation descriptor located in src/main/resources/install.xml

  <update file="${package.root}/install/bundles" todir="${env.bundles}" />

Here is the skeleton for the assembly descriptor located in src/main/resources/assembly.xml

  <target name="build">
    <tstamp />
    <delete failonerror="false"
            dir="${}/marketplace" />
    <mkdir dir="${}/marketplace" />
    <copy todir="${}/marketplace">
      <fileset dir="src/main/resources" />
        <filter token="VERSION" value="${maven.project.version}" />

    <copy todir="${}/marketplace/install/bundles">
      <artifact:resolveFile key="" />
      <artifact:resolveFile key="nuxeo-studio:your-studio-project::jar" />

    <zip destfile="${}/${maven.project.artifactId}-${maven.project.version}.zip"
         basedir="${}/marketplace" />
    <artifact:attach file="${}/${maven.project.artifactId}-${maven.project.version}.zip"
                     type="zip" />


Then install the obtained package in target folder your server using the following commands

$ mp-add
$ mp-install your-package-1.0-SNAPSHOT

FYI artifact

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Hi there, The right way is definitely Stephane's one

Thought if you are not familiar with maven or if it's just to test it quickly To build your ide project, you can just run on eclipse:

  • right click on the project
  • Nuxeo > Export Jar

Then copy the jar in nxserver/plugins

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