02-26-2014 12:58 AM
I am currently deleting a document from Nuxeo repository using the following code:
String myDocumentPath = // path to a folder
DocumentRef myFolderRef = new PathRef(documentPath);
if(aSession.exists(myFolderRef) && aSession.canRemoveDocument(myFolderRef ))
All the files under the folder gets deleted successfully but not permanently. I was wondering if there is anyway I could delete documents permanently programatically including binaries on file system?
I dont want to wait for the Garbage collector to delete those binaries from file system after the retentions period.
02-26-2014 06:42 PM
If you mean you'd like to clear the blobs, maybe documentation at http://doc.nuxeo.com/x/lAQz gives helpful information.
02-28-2014 12:20 AM
02-28-2014 12:27 AM
Success! I have been able to do it this way.
RepositoryStatus myRepositoryStatus = new RepositoryStatus();
The method gcBinaries
delete the binaries if flag passed to it is true. Otherwise it only returns the statistics about the binaries.
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