02-24-2017 07:59 AM
Hi there!
This questien is connected to question here: https://answers.nuxeo.com/general/q/dd5e7c4e1a5f4a3187eb8196af824ffb/NXQL-Cast-string-column-to-inte... I would like to ask why some(not all) of my custom properties in custom types can't be retrieved. Let's say I have document in Nuxeo with my custom type (customType) having my custom property (customProperty). And altough I can see it in nuxeo IDE, my cmisql query can't see it. So if I execute such query:
SELECT customProperty FROM customType WHERE customProperty IS NOT NULL
i got empty results, but I would think that I will have at least one result of document which I see in Nuxeo IDE. (IS NULL returns all results)
And however one customType (the one i need) can't be seen in this queries the other one (eg. customProperty2) is available.
Regards, Michal Wochnik
02-24-2017 08:01 AM
We'd need a more concrete example with the exact query used and the actual schemas (XSD) and document-type/schema definition (XML).
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