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Bad upload using REST API and batch

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ


J'utilise la batch pour effectuer un upload :

curl -H "X-Batch-Id: mybatchid" -H "X-File-Idx:xxx.pdf" -H "X-File-Name:0" -F file=@xxx.pdf -u Administrator:Administrator http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/automation/batch/upload

ce qui fournit l'information du batch:


ensuite j'installe un premier fichier dans mon document en tant que "file-content":

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u Administrator:Administrator -d "{ \"entity-type\": \"document\", \"repository\": \"default\", \"uid\":\"%id%\", \"properties\" : { \"file:content\": {\"name\":\"xxx.pdf\", \"upload-batch\":\"mybatchid\",\"upload-fileId\":\"0\"} } }" "http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/id/%id%"

ce qui est correct (résult du GET):

{..., "file:content":{"name":"xxx.pdf","mime-type":"application/pdf","encoding":null,"digest":"006772381d75eb52a232d3e08611ae5b","length":"291936","data":"files/8283131e-d835-4648-9bac-6a662af950f5?path=%2Fcontent"}...}

Ensuite je veux installer un autre fichier joint

curl -H "X-Batch-Id: mybatchid" -H "X-File-Idx:xxx.pptx" -H "X-File-Name:xxx.pptx" -F file=@xxx.pptx -u Administrator:Administrator http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/automation/batch/upload
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/automation/batch/files/mybatchid

ce qui fournit l'information du batch:


avec l'installation:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u Administrator:Administrator -d "{ \"entity-type\": \"document\", \"repository\": \"default\", \"uid\":\"%id%\", \"properties\" : { \"files:files\": [ { \"file\": {\"name\":\""xxx.pptx"\", \"mime-type\":\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation\" , \"length\":\"291048\", \"upload-batch\":\"mybatchid\", \"upload-fileid\":\"0\" }, \"filename\":\""xxx.pptx"\", \"length\":\"291048\" } ] } }" "http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/api/v1/id/%id"

Mais qui ne fonctionne pas (aucune erreur):

{... "properties":{..."files:files":[{"file":null,"filename":"xxx.pptx"}]...}

Bien sûr si j'installe manuellement mon fichier via l'interface graphique, j'obtiens le bon résultat par GET:


ma configuration Nuxeo:

studio     started      atrium (id: atrium-0.0.0-SNAPSHOT)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF01 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF01-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF02 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF02-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF03 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF03-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF04 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF04-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF05 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF05-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF06 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF06-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF07 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF07-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF08 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF08-1.0.0)
hotfix     started      nuxeo-5.8.0-HF09 (id: nuxeo-5.8.0-HF09-1.0.0)
 addon     started      in2p3-atrium (id: in2p3-atrium-1.1.5)
 addon     started      nuxeo-dm (id: nuxeo-dm-5.9.2)
 addon     started      nuxeo-drive (id: nuxeo-drive-1.3.2)
 addon     started      nuxeo-rest-api (id: nuxeo-rest-api-5.8.0)

Qui peut m'aider à trouver l'erreur?

Cordialement Christian


Star Contributor
Star Contributor


What is used in your curl command is:

"-H X-File-Idx:xxx.pdf" -H "X-File-Name:0"

While it should be "-H X-File-Idx:0" -H "X-File-Name:xxx.pdf"

Hope this helps,

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Merci beaucoup

et ... désolé pour le dérangement ... que j'aurais pu éviter en relisant mieux!!!

Cordialement Christian

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