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Are there examples showing how to import an exported (.zip) workspace?

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Is there an example showing how to use one of the Nuxeo Shell's automation commands to import an exported (.zip) workspace?

I used the DM/DAM webapp to "export" a workspace and now I would like to use the Nuxeo Shell to import the .zip into another/different workspace.

I named the export file "" and put it into the directory on my local workstation from which I launch the Nuxeo Shell client.

Here is what I've tried to no avail:

  1. Started the Nuxeo Shell and connected to my Nuxeo remote DM instance.
  2. Verified that I'm connected by using a remote ls command.
  3. Using local commands, cd'ed to dir containing the exported workspace's .zip file named ""
  4. Using remote commands, navigated to a new empty workspace directory
  5. Switched to "automation" namespace
  6. Ran the following FileManager.Import command: FileManager.Import

The operation fails with the following message:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot execute {Authorization=Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9y, Content-Type=multipart/related; boundary="----=_Part_5_380224087.1377035560517", Accept=application/json+nxentity, /}

Can you point me to or provide me work example of how I can do a successful import from the Nuxeo Shell?