09-30-2013 09:23 PM
I'm new to Nuxeo. I'm trying to understand the system, and in particular I'm trying to find out why I'm getting an SQL error when trying to create a workspace. I figured installing and running the source code would be the best place to start. I've come across many errors and gaps in the documentation. I'm wondering if compiling from source is really viable.
Firstly it strikes me as odd that the download process is done via Python, from the command line. From within Eclipse, we have Git, Maven, Ant, and whatever else is available in the Nuxeo plug-in for Eclipse. The choice of Python strikes me as odd. But anyway on to my specific observations...
Some commands work in UNIX but not Windows. This is for UNIX:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
This is for Windows:
set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=128m
This is just mean:
"The following assumes you know how to work with Maven and sources in your IDE (Eclipse is used below). In particular this means that you have already configured the IDE to work with Maven (M2_REPO set in Eclipse)."
I mean, OK, I don't know Maven. Even so, a little help here? All you need to say is "M2_REPO set in Eclipse via Windows | Preferences | Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables"
The documentation fails to mention that you need to install GNU DiffUtils. That clue is hidden in the fixeclipse.py script, which fails on Windows with an uninformative error if "diff" isn't available.
Given the large number of dependencies, it would be ideal if there was some type of "check setup" tool which confirmed that the correct tools are installed, and the correct version. By way of example, if you happen to be using a JRE instead of a JDK, Maven will take 45 minutes before reporting failure, when running "mvn -DskipTests install -Paddons"
On http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/CORG/Compiling+Nuxeo+from+sources, they say "See README file at root of nuxeo-distribution for a short description and common usage examples." There is no such README file.
On the same page, the instructions say "Ant is available at the top level: Ant targets have been defined to provide user-friendly commands..." The one example Ant command is 'distrib,' which is not present in nuxeo/build.xml.
The instructions say to import Nuxeo modules into Eclipse. The provided instructions say "File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace" What isn't stated is WHAT projects to import. I have no idea if I got this right, but I imported all the projects in nuxeo, nuxeo/nuxeo-common, nuxeo/nuxeo-core, etc, all the way to nuxeo/nuxeo-webengine. So I invoked the Eclipse import process 11 times in all. At that point I was still getting errors, so I imported nuxeo/addons/nuxeo-shell, as it was required by nuxeo-launcher. So "nuxeo-shell" doesn't seem like an addon, it seems required. Anyway now I have 236 projects in Eclipse. That doesn't feel right. But maybe it is. Who knows? The lack of screenshots leaves me with no idea if I'm offtrack.
I now have all the projects in Eclipse. But they are not connected to Git. So if I want to get an update, I can't do that.
With all these projects in Eclipse, I have no idea how to proceed. With the downloadable SDK, there are instructions (http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/IDEDOC). But with the source code (http://doc.nuxeo.com/display/CORG), I have no idea. I've got all the code, and when I run maven commands they seem to do stuff. But, in Eclipse, I can't even figure out how to start the server.
So, I know that is a lot of stuff. I guess my root questions are:
10-01-2013 12:17 PM
I can only speak for myself but I have compiled (successfully) the source code; although I haven't done a full build in a while. So it is possible. When I need to change a core component (if you use DAM in any serious way with big objects, multiple formats and colorspaces then you will find it unavoidable) I do not recompile the entire platform. In this case I...
Because there are so many different technologies and moving parts compiling from source is challenging - especially for those new to Nuxeo. It would be extremely useful if there were recorded webinars for activities like building a server from scratch.
09-29-2014 10:56 AM
It would be extremely helpful to have that kind of documentation. I think many are intimidated by the complexity of a "machine" with many working parts. It would be good to have a section which is dedicated to technical walk-throughs etc. I know it is somewhat counterproductive to your support side of things, but in the end, the less calls you have to deal with on petty matters, the better.
10-01-2013 01:19 PM
Let's first answer your two last questions:
Here are a few answers to your questions or remarks:
Nuxeo > Run/Debug
" as explained in IDEDOC/Running your Projects on the Server.Regards,
10-01-2013 04:43 PM
First, sorry for being so cranky. By way of context, if I can't get Nuxeo working, we are probably going with hosted SharePoint
10-01-2013 08:09 PM
Hi Utopian,
First, I am glad you get interest on Nuxeo product and community and hope you will find what you need here. I also hope you'll get the habit of asking only one question per post, that's the way this "answers" tool should be used. I think it is interesting to mention here that for most (if not 100%) of any customization use case (whether from IDE or Studio) you don't need to compile Nuxeo sources. Nuxeo is fully extensible and customization is made in external bundles (the "plugins"). That's probably why the "checkout Nuxeo sources" path is not fully optimized.
Of course, checking out the sources is a recommended path if you want to accelerate your learning curve of the framework, since you will find in there many interesting examples (as your customization is made the same way the built-in bundles are made). But even then, you don't need to build the product, you just get them locally to be able to browse the sources comfortably.
The main case where you really want to build from the sources is if you want to test then contribute some bug-fixes via pull requests and we will be glad if you can do so !
10-01-2013 08:12 PM
Sorry guys, I had missed all the answers before
10-16-2013 12:17 AM
It was still nice to see your comment. It seems that many miss the fact that Nuxeo is fully extensible by way of plugins.
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