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Forum Posts

Nuxeo customization

Hi I am struck on a problem its been many days now.The problem is i created one project and configured global search form through nuxeo studio later my studio got expired now what i am trying to do is to change the labels of the form that i created t...

Using OR in the query of a Page Provider

Hello, We have a problem related with the query defined in a page provider. We are using Nuxeo 7.10. We are using the widgetType singleDocumentSuggestion. The following page provider works correctly: <coreQueryPageProvider name="test"> <property n...

Resolved! Evaluating non-subscription version

Hi there, we (small agency with 10 employees) were evaluating nuxeo over the last days as a future replacement system for our current Alfresco installation. While everything went fine I was wondering about the differences between the subscription and...

chrati by Champ on-the-rise
  • 5 replies
  • 3 kudos

Resolved! Problem adding database indexes in Relations table in Oracle

Hi, we have configured Nuxeo to use Oracle database, and we have a problem. In our application the relations are very important, so we need to add an index to the Relations table of Nuxeo in order to have a good performance. The index would take the ...

Document found by IdRef but not found by PathRef

We have an random error, when we search an document by path (CoreSession.exists(new PathRef("'the path")) we have an Document Not Found Exception. But the document was found by ID (CoreSession.exists(new IdRef("'the id")) or by query (SELECT * FROM "...