03-28-2017 05:16 PM
I configured the alfresco 5.2 commuity to synchronize with ldap. The users and groups is OK but the users doesn't weren't added to their groups.
I use this -> ldap.synchronization.groupMemberAttributeName=uniqueMember
The uniqueMember is attribute that contain the information about the users are in these group.
I need configure other attribute to associate users and groups?
03-29-2017 12:28 AM
Are you sure about your member attribute? I had to use
which is the standard setting.
I use apache directory studio for browsing ldap structures and for experimenting with the queries...
03-29-2017 08:31 AM
In theory... yes.
Because this attribute mapping the uid complete CN and DN of the users. I will try the studio to check again.
Do you know how to enable sync logs to inspect what ldap querys the Alfresco doing?
03-29-2017 08:44 AM
I only found a log4j property to increase logging
But Alfresco is opensource and the ldap queries are visible in the sourcecode (can't look at it now, being just on mobile)
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