08-07-2019 08:00 AM
I'm trying to customize web script controller for Web View Dashlet. I do the same in this tutorial but it's doesn't work for me. I created new user and when I log in to alfresco this dashlet is empty. I don't understand where it might be a bug.
08-08-2019 07:53 AM
Thanks for reply, Krutik. I have found that "config.approval.evalautor" property "apply" value was not true, so now it works right.
08-07-2019 09:41 AM
For overriding existing files in alfresco, you need to follow specific path.It also differs based on the alfresco version and the sdk version as well.It will be better if you can specify all the details which you did to achieve your requirement.
08-07-2019 09:58 AM
I use "All-In-One SDK 3.0 Project" and do it all the same in this tutorial. I created webview.get.js file with next code:
if (model.isDefault == true)
model.widgets[0].options.webviewTitle = "Alfresco!";
model.widgets[0].options.webviewURI = "http://www.alfresco.com";
model.widgets[0].options.isDefault = false;
and new Surf Extension Modules file where was related targetPackageRoot with sourcePackageRoot. The auto-deploy property I set to true.
08-07-2019 11:51 AM
add directory structure and module.xml as well.
08-08-2019 07:53 AM
Thanks for reply, Krutik. I have found that "config.approval.evalautor" property "apply" value was not true, so now it works right.
08-08-2019 05:39 AM
Make sure that you use surf module extesnion to override the out-of-the-box webScript
<id>Customize Web Script Controller for Web View Dashlet</id>
<version>1.0</version> <auto-deploy>true</auto-deploy>
08-08-2019 07:54 AM
Thanks for reply,Mohamed. I've found my fault.
08-08-2019 08:50 AM
You are welcome.
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