11-27-2021 08:04 PM
How do I get a hook into the share login process? And by hook I mean a place I can add some java code. The POST url on share is /share/page/dologin But I cannot for the life of me find where that maps to. Is it a webscript? Java controller? Where is this magical code?
I know it must authenticate against the ACS, so where is that call made? Where on the ACS side is that handled?
I tried adding a custom SlingshotLoginController that all it does is "Hello world" to the log file. I placed it in my org.alfresco.web.site.servlet package in share. I was under the impression that my custom class would then replace the default one like Alfreaco ACS does.
How do I override/customize java classes in Share?
11-29-2021 03:48 AM
This project could show you how to extend / replace the Share authentication piece:
It's using a CAS connector, but you can add your own code in that step.
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