02-04-2021 04:25 PM
I'm trying to install Alfresco Search Services by this guide. I've generated secure keys for SLL communitacion with ssl-generator tool and then moved them to solrhome/keystore.
Then I've made configurations in:
# solrcore.properties - used in solrconfig.xml # enable.alfresco.tracking=true # #These are replaced by the admin handler # #data.dir.root=DATA_DIR #data.dir.store=workspace/SpacesStore #alfresco.stores=workspace://SpacesStore # # Properties loaded during alfresco tracking # alfresco.host=localhost alfresco.port=8080 alfresco.port.ssl=8443 alfresco.baseUrl=/alfresco #alfresco.index.transformContent=false #alfresco.ignore.datatype.1=d:content alfresco.lag=1000 alfresco.hole.retention=3600000 # alfresco.hole.check.after is not used yet # It will reduce the hole checking load alfresco.hole.check.after=300000 alfresco.batch.count=5000 alfresco.recordUnindexedNodes=false # encryption # none, https alfresco.secureComms=https # ssl, default values # keystore and trustore files are not provided by default alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore.type=JCEKS alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore.location=/opt/alfresco-community-201911/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/keystore/ssl-repo-client.keystore alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore.passwordFileLocation= alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore.type=JCEKS alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore.provider= alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore.location=/opt/alfresco-community-201911/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/keystore/ssl-repo-client.truststore alfresco.encryption.ssl.truststore.passwordFileLocation= # Default Tracker alfresco.cron=0/10 * * * * ? * alfresco.corePoolSize=8 alfresco.maximumPoolSize=-1 alfresco.keepAliveTime=120 alfresco.threadPriority=5 alfresco.threadDaemon=true alfresco.workQueueSize=-1 alfresco.commitInterval=2000 alfresco.newSearcherInterval=3000 #ACL tracker configuration #alfresco.acl.tracker.cron= #alfresco.acl.tracker.corePoolSize= #alfresco.acl.tracker.maximumPoolSize= #alfresco.acl.tracker.keepAliveTime= #alfresco.acl.tracker.threadPriority= #alfresco.acl.tracker.threadDaemon= #alfresco.acl.tracker.workQueueSize= #Content tracker config #alfresco.content.tracker.cron= #alfresco.content.tracker.corePoolSize= #alfresco.content.tracker.maximumPoolSize= #alfresco.content.tracker.keepAliveTime= #alfresco.content.tracker.threadPriority= #alfresco.content.tracker.threadDaemon= #alfresco.content.tracker.workQueueSize= #Metadata tracker config #alfresco.metadata.tracker.cron= #alfresco.metadata.tracker.corePoolSize= #alfresco.metadata.tracker.maximumPoolSize= #alfresco.metadata.tracker.keepAliveTime= #alfresco.metadata.tracker.threadPriority= #alfresco.metadata.tracker.threadDaemon= #alfresco.metadata.tracker.workQueueSize= # HTTP Client alfresco.maxTotalConnections=200 alfresco.maxHostConnections=200 alfresco.socketTimeout=360000 # SOLR caching solr.filterCache.size=256 solr.filterCache.initialSize=128 solr.queryResultCache.size=1024 solr.queryResultCache.initialSize=1024 solr.documentCache.size=1024 solr.documentCache.initialSize=1024 solr.queryResultMaxDocsCached=2048 solr.authorityCache.size=128 solr.authorityCache.initialSize=64 solr.pathCache.size=256 solr.pathCache.initialSize=128 solr.ownerCache.size=128 solr.ownerCache.initialSize=64 solr.readerCache.size=128 solr.readerCache.initialSize=64 solr.deniedCache.size=128 solr.deniedCache.initialSize=64 # SOLR solr.maxBooleanClauses=10000 # Batch fetch alfresco.transactionDocsBatchSize=500 alfresco.nodeBatchSize=100 alfresco.changeSetAclsBatchSize=500 alfresco.aclBatchSize=100 alfresco.contentReadBatchSize=100 alfresco.contentUpdateBatchSize=1000 # Warming solr.filterCache.autowarmCount=32 solr.authorityCache.autowarmCount=4 solr.pathCache.autowarmCount=32 solr.deniedCache.autowarmCount=0 solr.readerCache.autowarmCount=0 solr.ownerCache.autowarmCount=0 solr.queryResultCache.autowarmCount=4 solr.documentCache.autowarmCount=512 solr.queryResultWindowSize=512 # # TODO # # cross language support # locale expansion # logging check report .... # # alfresco.doPermissionChecks=true # Evaluate permissions as a PostFilter. Setting this to false will evaluate permissions as a Query. alfresco.postfilter=true # # Metadata pulling control # alfresco.metadata.skipDescendantDocsForSpecificTypes=false alfresco.metadata.ignore.datatype.0=cm:person alfresco.metadata.ignore.datatype.1=app:configurations alfresco.metadata.skipDescendantDocsForSpecificAspects=false #alfresco.metadata.ignore.aspect.0= alfresco.topTermSpanRewriteLimit=1000 # # Suggestions # solr.suggester.enabled=true # -1 to disable suggester build throttling solr.suggester.minSecsBetweenBuilds=3600 # # Limit the maximum text size of transformed content sent to the index - in bytes # alfresco.contentStreamLimit=10000000 #Shard setup shard.method=DB_ID #END of solrcore
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Settings here will override settings in existing env vars or in bin/solr. The default shipped state # of this file is completely commented. # By default the script will use JAVA_HOME to determine which java # to use, but you can set a specific path for Solr to use without # affecting other Java applications on your server/workstation. #SOLR_JAVA_HOME="" # This controls the number of seconds that the solr script will wait for # Solr to stop gracefully or Solr to start. If the graceful stop fails, # the script will forcibly stop Solr. If the start fails, the script will # give up waiting and display the last few lines of the logfile. #SOLR_STOP_WAIT="180" # Increase Java Heap as needed to support your indexing / query needs #SOLR_HEAP="512m" # Expert: If you want finer control over memory options, specify them directly # Comment out SOLR_HEAP if you are using this though, that takes precedence SOLR_JAVA_MEM="-Xms1g -Xmx1g" # Enable verbose GC logging... # * If this is unset, various default options will be selected depending on which JVM version is in use # * For Java 8: if this is set, additional params will be added to specify the log file & rotation # * For Java 9 or higher: each included opt param that starts with '-Xlog:gc', but does not include an # output specifier, will have a 'file' output specifier (as well as formatting & rollover options) # appended, using the effective value of the SOLR_LOGS_DIR. # #GC_LOG_OPTS='-Xlog:gc*' # (Java 9+) #GC_LOG_OPTS="-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails \ # -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime" # These GC settings have shown to work well for a number of common Solr workloads #GC_TUNE="-XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 etc. # Set the ZooKeeper connection string if using an external ZooKeeper ensemble # e.g. host1:2181,host2:2181/chroot # Leave empty if not using SolrCloud #ZK_HOST="" # Set the ZooKeeper client timeout (for SolrCloud mode) #ZK_CLIENT_TIMEOUT="15000" # By default the start script uses "localhost"; override the hostname here # for production SolrCloud environments to control the hostname exposed to cluster state #SOLR_HOST="" # By default the start script uses UTC; override the timezone if needed #SOLR_TIMEZONE="UTC" # Set to true to activate the JMX RMI connector to allow remote JMX client applications # to monitor the JVM hosting Solr; set to "false" to disable that behavior # (false is recommended in production environments) #ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS="false" # The script will use SOLR_PORT+10000 for the RMI_PORT or you can set it here # RMI_PORT=18983 # Alfresco configuration. This file is automatically included by solr. You can define your custom settings here SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.jetty.request.header.size=1000000 -Dsolr.jetty.threads.stop.timeout=300000 -Ddisable.configEdit=true" # Anything you add to the SOLR_OPTS variable will be included in the java # start command line as-is, in ADDITION to other options. If you specify the # -a option on start script, those options will be appended as well. Examples: #SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=3000" #SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.autoCommit.maxTime=60000" #SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS -Dsolr.clustering.enabled=true" # Location where the bin/solr script will save PID files for running instances # If not set, the script will create PID files in $SOLR_TIP/bin #SOLR_PID_DIR= # Path to a directory for Solr to store cores and their data. By default, Solr will use server/solr # If solr.xml is not stored in ZooKeeper, this directory needs to contain solr.xml #SOLR_HOME= # Solr provides a default Log4J configuration properties file in server/resources # however, you may want to customize the log settings and file appender location # so you can point the script to use a different log4j.properties file #LOG4J_PROPS=/var/solr/log4j.properties # Changes the logging level. Valid values: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF. Default is INFO # This is an alternative to changing the rootLogger in log4j.properties #SOLR_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Location where Solr should write logs to. Absolute or relative to solr start dir SOLR_LOGS_DIR=../../logs LOG4J_PROPS=$SOLR_LOGS_DIR/log4j.properties # Enables log rotation, cleanup, and archiving during start. Setting SOLR_LOG_PRESTART_ROTATION=false will skip start # time rotation of logs, and the archiving of the last GC and console log files. It does not affect Log4j configuration. # This pre-startup rotation may need to be disabled depending how much you customize the default logging setup. #SOLR_LOG_PRESTART_ROTATION=true # Sets the port Solr binds to, default is 8983 #SOLR_PORT=8983 # Uncomment to set SSL-related system properties # Be sure to update the paths to the correct keystore for your environment SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE=/opt/alfresco-community-201911/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/keystore/ssl-repo-client.keystore SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=keystore SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE=JCEKS SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE=/opt/alfresco-community-201911/alfresco-search-services/solrhome/keystore/ssl-repo-client.truststore SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD=truststore SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE=JCEKS SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH=true SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH=false # Uncomment if you want to override previously defined SSL values for HTTP client # otherwise keep them commented and the above values will automatically be set for HTTP clients #SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE= #SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD= #SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_STORE_TYPE= #SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE= #SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD= #SOLR_SSL_CLIENT_TRUST_STORE_TYPE= # Settings for authentication # Please configure only one of SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_CONFIGURER or SOLR_AUTH_TYPE parameters #SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_CONFIGURER="org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthConfigurer" #SOLR_AUTH_TYPE="basic" #SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_OPTS="-Dbasicauth=solr:SolrRocks" # Settings for ZK ACL #SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS="-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsAllAndReadonlyDigestZkACLProvider \ # -DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsSingleSetCredentialsDigestZkCredentialsProvider \ # -DzkDigestUsername=admin-user -DzkDigestPassword=CHANGEME-ADMIN-PASSWORD \ # -DzkDigestReadonlyUsername=readonly-user -DzkDigestReadonlyPassword=CHANGEME-READONLY-PASSWORD" #SOLR_OPTS="$SOLR_OPTS $SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS"
The command I use to run new instance:
./solr start -a "-Dcreate.alfresco.defaults=alfresco,archive -Dsolr.ssl.checkPeerName=false -Dsolr.allow.unsafe.resourceloading=true -Dssl-keystore.password=keystore -Dssl-keystore.aliases=ssl-alfresco-ca,ssl-repo-client -Dssl-keystore.ssl-alfresco-ca.password=keystore -Dssl-keystore.ssl-repo-client.password=keystore -Dssl-truststore.password=truststore -Dssl-truststore.aliases=ssl-alfresco-ca,ssl-repo,ssl-repo-client -Dssl-truststore.ssl-alfresco-ca.password=truststore -Dssl-truststore.ssl-repo.password=truststore -Dssl-truststore.ssl-repo-client.password=truststore" -f -force
But I get this error:
It basically says, that my defined path for keystore points to a directory instead of a file which makes no sense to me. I've tried to move the keystore file in other directories or use configuration with some random path, but I always get this same error so it seems that "alfresco.encryption.ssl.keystore.location" in "solrcore.properties" has no impact on this error.
I wonder if there is some wrong configuration in my files or some other problem, but I've double checked every step from the guide and I'm stucked now. I will be very grateful for any help.
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