11-11-2005 07:45 PM
02-04-2006 03:32 PM
what about http://chiba.sourceforge.net/ from http://www.chibacon.de? It's a server side, but ajax enabled xforms editor. They have an xsd2xforms conversion (bot in java and in xslt). Using xforms for editing xml would be cool.
02-06-2006 06:22 PM
Hi Russ, Sorry for not putting my name under this message. I won't forget it this time (it's Ronald)what about http://chiba.sourceforge.net/ from http://www.chibacon.de? It's a server side, but ajax enabled xforms editor. They have an xsd2xforms conversion (bot in java and in xslt). Using xforms for editing xml would be cool.
What is your availability? How comfortable with working on this are you? I do not have time to do much research in this direction (in fact I have none).Availability: Depends, Via the company I work for: none, scarce priate time: a few minutes a day, Freelance: if it pays enough 😉 No seriously.
I can support yours or anothers efforts in getting this in to alfresco if that is something you want to do. You would have to do the research and make a simple example outside of alfresco.
I could probably integrate it very quickly in alfresco or give you guidence on how to do it.This is (imo) more work than the simple example, but mayby my understanding of simple differs from yours.
If your interested, lets get things fired up and going. my email is dannerr@csps.comAlways, but you know….. time….
02-07-2006 05:08 AM
02-07-2006 07:08 AM
02-07-2006 10:35 AM
you guys convinced me.. (enthousiasm always does). I think I can contribute 5-10 hours per week currently. I even try to convince my boss, well his boss in fact, to start using Alfresco, maybe even internal developers can be involved then.
Maybe there could be even more synergy.
- JBoss Portal has CMS (are you guys looking at that ore something new?)
- jBPM is looking at supporting minimalistic document management (JCR based)
- Chiba gains by this (exposure via Alfresco and JBoss)
With regard to the freelance/goodness of my heart, I'll initially go for the latter, but maybe the chiba guys can get commercially involved and do things much quicker.
03-01-2006 08:14 PM
you guys convinced me.. (enthousiasm always does). I think I can contribute 5-10 hours per week currently. I even try to convince my boss, well his boss in fact, to start using Alfresco, maybe even internal developers can be involved then.
Maybe there could be even more synergy.
- JBoss Portal has CMS (are you guys looking at that ore something new?)
- jBPM is looking at supporting minimalistic document management (JCR based)
- Chiba gains by this (exposure via Alfresco and JBoss)
With regard to the freelance/goodness of my heart, I'll initially go for the latter, but maybe the chiba guys can get commercially involved and do things much quicker.
Sorry for jumping on this many months late, but I am new to Alfresco and working on our web content management extensions, which will include use of chiba to provide an xforms implementation for browser-based XML content creation, editing, storage, and transformation (key to publish a single source of content to multiple websites sites and web pages within a site).
I'd be interested to know what if any work happened here. A high-level set of targets for our WCM initiative can be found here:
… and details on the upcoming xforms implementation will be forthcoming on our wiki towards the end of March.
Thats great ronald, let me know if you need some help. I am happy to offer any support.
07-31-2008 03:31 AM
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